Please share this post to help your community and to help anyone in need; there are so many people in Cardiff in need and we want to help.

At Fordham-Rees Podiatry we don't just care about your feet, we care about you.
And this slogan isn't just words, we mean it. We have had numerous people ask us for only nail cutting, especially that some clients we have had can not afford a routine podiatry treatment on a small wage, or pension; we totally understand that hence why we offered the service of just £25 for nail cutting. This opened the door for so many people to have this vital service so that they can feel comfortable on their feet. You may think why would you need someone to cut your toenails? Some people just want someone to do it for them, but majority who come to our podiatry clinic in Fairwater can not touch their toes due to many reasons and need this service or the toenails grow long and become unmanageable; then they can't wear this shoes properly without being in pain and desperately need toenail cutting service.

Not just that we have listened to our customers and people passing by enquiring or calling us and realised that there are still a large number of people with the cost of living crisis that still can't afford £25 for toenail cutting every 6-8 weeks. For this reason we want to help our community with a once a month day for anyone who comes to our clinic that desperately need this service. We are trusting our customers to be honest and if you can afford the normal service to please continue with that service; if you are struggling to pay your bills, can not touch your own toes to maintain your toenails, can not walk properly due to your toenails not being managed recently and you do not know what to do or who to go to for help as maybe NHS have no capacity or your family can not cut your toenails or your helper or whoever that may be makes any slight mistake and you get cut and its not noticed and then left could lead to a disaster; which is also why its recommended to always see a specialist, like ourselves at Fordham-Rees Podiatry.

We want to live by our slogan; we don't just care for your feet we care about you! We care by making 1 day a month, the last Saturday of every month, so in January this would be the 28th Jan and February 25th. One day every month that we will cater for those in need for just £15. As a new business we have overheads and bills to pay currently and once we are more established we will relook at the cost to you to help as much as we can. Or alternatively if anyone wants to donate to our clinic to pay for someone you are more then welcome, we know our community are helpful and kind and if that's something you want to do please let us know.
This service is for anyone who comes to our clinic and walk-in on the last Saturday of the month, who cannot touch their own feet, who are in desperate need to have their toenails cut, who do not have the budget for normal nail cutting service, we want to help you. If you have further issues with your feet our Podiatrist will advise you the issues and tell you the best plan of action to treat it but the service is only for toenail cutting; routine podiatry is £40 which covers your whole foot. We will not question your finances or your ability to touch your toes, we want you to feel comfortable coming to our clinic and we will put our trust in you that you need the help and we are here to offer it to you. Just let us know when you arrive its for the end of the month toe nail cutting service.

You cannot book an appointment, you have to come to the clinic on the last Saturday of the month. We will ensure there are spaces available on this day for walk-ins but you may have to wait a short while to be seen, there are magazines to read, a friendly receptionist to talk to or tea and coffee while you wait.
Please get in touch if you want to know more. 02922474116